ATTN: Jim Butterfiled; I'm looking for Supermon+64 source code
(too old to reply)
Niklas Ramsberg
2003-12-20 16:47:53 UTC
I tried to email Jim Butterfiled, but got no response, so I'm trying
here instead since I noticed that he's active here.

I'm looking for the source code for Supermon+64. I once read a post
where you said that it's available on request. Well, here I am
requesting it :-)

Please respond here, not to my Hotmail address. Or you can use the
address that can be found on my homepage http://www.baconman.nu.

/Niklas Ramsberg
< .
(:) Bacon
< .

Jim Butterfield
2003-12-20 18:06:22 UTC
Post by Niklas Ramsberg
I tried to email Jim Butterfiled,
Watch it! BUTTERFIELD, OK? :-)
Post by Niklas Ramsberg
but got no response, so I'm trying
here instead since I noticed that he's active here.
I'm available at more than one address ... but lately, the volume of
spam that has been coming in has made it necessary to do some heavy
filtering. AND ... since there's still a lot of incoming clutter, I'm
likely to delete anything that doesn't have either a subject line or
an originator ID that I recognize. Try me as: fjb at pathcom dot com.
Post by Niklas Ramsberg
I'm looking for the source code for Supermon+64. I once read a post
where you said that it's available on request. Well, here I am
requesting it :-)
At the moment, I'm plagued by a bad keyboard on my C128, which makes
it difficult to tap much of my source data. I've sent it out a few
times when requested: does anyone happen to have a copy ready to go?

I should note that, since Supermon+64 is relocatable code, the source
does not assemble into the final binary file. It may seem crude, but
I follow this procedure: (1) The source is carefully structured so
that there are no "dispersed addresses" such as might be created with
something like LDA #>VECTOR .. LDY #<VECTOR - every relocatable
address is two adjacent bytes; (2) I assemble the source TWICE, to
two different page addresses; the only difference in the binaries will
be the high-order bytes of the relocatable addresses; (3) a small
post-processing program blends the two binaries into a relocatable
package, adding a Basic driver to complete the bundle.

As I said: anyone happen to have a copy ready to go? Otherwise, I'll
have to muddle around with hardware for a while to get the source file


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iAN CooG
2003-12-20 22:05:26 UTC
Post by Jim Butterfield
times when requested: does anyone happen to have a copy ready to go?
On The Fridge there is one, but is the Stephen Judd modified version.

-=[]=---iAN CooG/HokutoForce+TWT---=[]=-
Murphy's Law is recursive.
Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.
Paul Rosenzweig
2003-12-21 09:23:40 UTC
Post by iAN CooG
Post by Jim Butterfield
times when requested: does anyone happen to have a copy ready to go?
On The Fridge there is one, but is the Stephen Judd modified version.
The archive, (all capitol letters) SPRMON64.SDA from:


contains an assembler source of v1.2 dated August 20 1985.

I don't know the assembler that should be used with the source code.
Jim Butterfield
2003-12-21 14:07:06 UTC
Post by Paul Rosenzweig
Post by iAN CooG
Post by Jim Butterfield
times when requested: does anyone happen to have a copy ready to go?
On The Fridge there is one, but is the Stephen Judd modified version.
contains an assembler source of v1.2 dated August 20 1985.
I don't know the assembler that should be used with the source code.
If it's my source: I used PAL, which means that the source is
formatted as a Basic listing. LOAD and LIST (after dissolving the


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http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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Paul Rosenzweig
2003-12-21 20:50:34 UTC
Post by Jim Butterfield
Post by Paul Rosenzweig
contains an assembler source of v1.2 dated August 20 1985.
I don't know the assembler that should be used with the source code.
If it's my source: I used PAL, which means that
the source is formatted as a Basic listing.
LOAD and LIST (after dissolving the SDA).
The file is pure text needing an editor like ZED to view. There
are no 2 byte binary integer line numers nor are there BASIC
like line link data in the file. Perhaps the assembler system
that was used to write and assemble this source code file has a
utility that reformats the file when loaded into memory so that
the user can operate on the code like it's a BASIC program.

Anyway, the assembler instructions are relatively straight
forward and easy to convert to other assembler processors.

I now have a have a MADS compatible source file
from the source code file from the SDA archive.
David Evans
2003-12-21 21:00:28 UTC
Post by Paul Rosenzweig
The file is pure text needing an editor like ZED to view. There
are no 2 byte binary integer line numers nor are there BASIC
like line link data in the file. Perhaps the assembler system
that was used to write and assemble this source code file has a
utility that reformats the file when loaded into memory so that
the user can operate on the code like it's a BASIC program.
PAL certain't doesn't have anything like that. Perhaps this source
was adjusted for use with the CBM assembler package or something similar.
Post by Paul Rosenzweig
Anyway, the assembler instructions are relatively straight
forward and easy to convert to other assembler processors.
Yep; the only exotic thing in PAL, really, is .bas.
David Evans ***@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca
Ph.D. Candidate, Computer/Synth Junkie http://bbcr.uwaterloo.ca/~dfevans/
University of Waterloo "Default is the value selected by the composer
Ontario, Canada overridden by your command." - Roland TR-707 Manual
Niklas Ramsberg
2003-12-20 23:15:23 UTC
Post by Jim Butterfield
Post by Niklas Ramsberg
I tried to email Jim Butterfiled,
Watch it! BUTTERFIELD, OK? :-)
Oops! Seems I'm more than normally dsylxeic today. Sorry about that. I
even managed to misspell your name both in the subject line and the
message body...
Post by Jim Butterfield
I'm available at more than one address ... but lately, the volume of
spam that has been coming in has made it necessary to do some heavy
filtering. AND ... since there's still a lot of incoming clutter, I'm
likely to delete anything that doesn't have either a subject line or
You have my sympathy there. That's the address I used.
Post by Jim Butterfield
an originator ID that I recognize. Try me as: fjb at pathcom dot com.
That's the address I used.
Post by Jim Butterfield
As I said: anyone happen to have a copy ready to go? Otherwise, I'll
have to muddle around with hardware for a while to get the source file
Thanks. I'm in no hurry, so if no one else has it, I can wait until
you have the time to dig it out.

/Niklas Ramsberg
< .
(:) Bacon
< .
