Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2024 - April 13-14
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Robert Bernardo
2023-06-06 17:17:23 UTC
The deposits have been mailed in! The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2024 is coming April 13-14 to our favorite venue, the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, 1006 W. Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank, California, USA. As always, stay tuned for future updates!


Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
Robert Bernardo
2024-01-23 23:29:49 UTC
The webpages for the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2024 have gone active! Discover the latest with what’s going on for the April 13-14 show! Come back regularly for news updates, presentation updates, and exhibit updates.


The CLASS of 2024 is happening at the Burbank VFW hall, 1006 W. Magnolia Ave., Burbank, California, USA. Admission is $25, whether you come for one day or both days.

Robert Bernardo
organizer – Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
2024-03-25 06:54:19 UTC
David Pleasance of Commodore UK will be joining us at the show! He will be bringing his books (Commodore: the Inside Story; Vultures to Vampires volumes 1-3) to sell, and he could autograph them for you.

Though not attending, Trevor Dickinson of A-EON has made for us a special video that shows off his huge collection of Commodore and Amiga computers in his New Zealand home. Then Trevor will give his thoughts about the AmigaOne X5000 and the A1222+.

Check out our other guests and presentations at


Writing from Picton, New Zealand,
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
Kalevi Kolttonen
2024-03-25 14:47:05 UTC
David Pleasance [...] will be bringing his books
(Commodore: the Inside Story; Vultures to Vampires
volumes 1-3) to sell [...]
I cannot attend the show, but the book titles
certainly sound very creative indeed. :-)

2024-03-28 02:09:55 UTC
Dick Estel, famed for the GeoFont Compendium, will join us at the show! Last time we had Dick at a show was at the Commodore Vegas Expo years ago.

Writing from Wellington, New Zealand,
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
2024-04-08 20:22:09 UTC
Less than a week to the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show! If you haven’t checked out the CLASS website, go to


We have David Pleasance of Commodore UK in attendance, a special video from Trevor Dickinson of A-EON, raffle prizes like a CMD Hard Drive converted to CompactFlash via Zulu SCSI, presentations, exhibits, a great game competition for a great prize, and more.

CLASS 2024 is at the Burbank Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, 1006 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California, USA. Admission is $25 whether you come for one day or two days, April 13-14. Kids under 16 years old have free admission.

I’d like to thank in advance the hard work of the members of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network for making the show possible.

Robert Bernardo
organizer – Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
