Need 8500 MOS CPU chip
(too old to reply)
2023-09-29 18:14:24 UTC
Does anyone have any extra MOS chips?
I am in need of 2 of the 8500 CPU chips for the cost reduced
C=64C. I was told the 8500 just runs cooler is all, so even the
same 6510 will work just runs hotter, but this will do too, or both. :-D
Capt Kirk
2023-10-07 21:41:53 UTC
To: ***@gmail.com
Re: Need 8500 MOS CPU chip
From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm
Does anyone have any extra MOS chips?
I am in need of 2 of the 8500 CPU chips for the cost reduced
C=64C. I was told the 8500 just runs cooler is all, so even the
same 6510 will work just runs hotter, but this will do too, or both. :-D
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
I think there is more than temp of the chip regarding 8500 and 6510 They sell
8500 to 6510 adapters...

Terran Empire, terranempire.ddns.net:1017 | Emperor Kirk
Mystic, Running on notebook, Vintage Computer Themed.. Kinda..

All Hail The Empire!
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
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