SX-64 Power source transformation
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David Requena
2003-12-15 15:39:29 UTC
Hi All,

I recently acquired an US SX-64. Of course it's running on 117 VAC and
as I'm located in Europe I'm looking right now for a power
transformator 220v50Hz input / 110v60Hz output.

I know this is not a really portable system but it would be great if I
could modify the power source to take 220vac.

Does anyone know if this is feasible? complex? have some sugestions?

Thanks in advance.
D. Requena
2003-12-15 21:48:04 UTC
DR> Does anyone know if this is feasible? complex? have some sugestions?

Maybe the schematics are helpful:

___ . . . . . + . . o
_|___|_ + . + . + . Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
o-o . . . o + ***@cling.gu.se
- + + . http://www.cling.gu.se/~cl3polof/
David Requena
2003-12-16 10:08:24 UTC
Post by MagerValp
DR> Does anyone know if this is feasible? complex? have some sugestions?
Sure they would be if I could understand them.. :-)

Anyway the power supply schematics there are for the 220v version.
I'm not into electrics so what I'd need is the diagram for the 110v
power supply and some directions along the lines of "replace this and
this components with such and such others.."

This I could do but understanding electrics schematics is another

Thanks for the pointer, may be I'll try to map differences between my
own ps and the one pictured.

D. Requena
Nicolas Welte
2003-12-16 18:17:39 UTC
Post by David Requena
Thanks for the pointer, may be I'll try to map differences between my
own ps and the one pictured.
Unfortunately there are some special components in the supply that make a
conversion very hard, e.g. some custom made transformers. I once had a supply
for repair that someone tried to convert to 220v by only changing the
auxiliary voltage transformer to a 220v model. Of course some components in
the switcher circuit gave up soon and the supply was dead. I could repair it
by replacing the components and installing a 110v transformer again.

I'm happily using my 110V SX machine with a 110 to 220v transformer. You
should do the same.

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David Requena
2003-12-17 09:22:12 UTC
Post by Nicolas Welte
for repair that someone tried to convert to 220v by only changing the
auxiliary voltage transformer to a 220v model. Of course some components in
the switcher circuit gave up soon and the supply was dead. I could repair it
by replacing the components and installing a 110v transformer again.
Oh, I see. You mean the other components inside the ps are not rated
for 250v max. but for maybe 150v? I would have to replace all of them.
And they're not easy to find.. :-(
Post by Nicolas Welte
I'm happily using my 110V SX machine with a 110 to 220v transformer. You
should do the same.
Well, I think I'll try the other way around (220 input to 110 output)
or I would fry my belobed new SX!!! ;-)

Thanks for your help,
2003-12-23 16:40:55 UTC
Post by David Requena
Hi All,
I recently acquired an US SX-64. Of course it's running on 117 VAC and
as I'm located in Europe I'm looking right now for a power
transformator 220v50Hz input / 110v60Hz output.
I know this is not a really portable system but it would be great if I
could modify the power source to take 220vac.
Does anyone know if this is feasible? complex? have some sugestions?
Thanks in advance.
D. Requena
It's a shame I recently threw away 5 110V->220V power convertors dating
from the time when French electricity company changed the mains voltage.
These were heavy ugly bulky cubes of metal.
If you have a look around in European flee markets these are the kinds
of stuff you should be able to find for a couple of euros.


David Requena
2003-12-26 00:20:23 UTC
Post by unknown
It's a shame I recently threw away 5 110V->220V power convertors dating
from the time when French electricity company changed the mains voltage.
These were heavy ugly bulky cubes of metal.
If you have a look around in European flee markets these are the kinds
of stuff you should be able to find for a couple of euros.
Well in the end I bougth a new one for 14 EUR, not bad at all :-)
It's rated 125 volt and 200 wat. The SX is rated 117 volt but I don't
think this is going to be a problem. It's not earthed so I'm going to
build some kind of custom wire before trying.
2003-12-26 06:32:18 UTC
The SX is rated 117 volt but I don't think
this is going to be a problem.
Correct. In the US the "mains" specification is theoretically 110 to
130 volts.

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