End of an Era
(too old to reply)
Gary McCulloch
2023-12-29 06:39:30 UTC
Nothing is better than calling a good old Commodore BBS!

* ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet PiNet RetroNet
2024-01-02 09:59:22 UTC
To: nospam.Gary.McCulloch
Re: Re: End of an Era
By: nospam.Gary.McCulloch to All on Fri Dec 29 2023 19:39:30
Post by Gary McCulloch
Nothing is better than calling a good old Commodore BBS!
What about calling a good new Commodore BBS? :D

- phigan
.[ TIRED of waiting 2 hrs for a taco?! ].
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
MutinyBBS - telnet : mutinybbs.com:2332 - ssh : mutinybbs.com:2232
Gary McCulloch
2024-01-04 04:03:52 UTC
On Tue 2-Jan-2024 4:59a, ***@3:770/3.0 wrote:
P> What about calling a good new Commodore BBS? :D

Well, not sure if I can offer NEW. My Commodore board has been up on
Telnet going on 14 years now. It offers this FTN and a few others. It is very
C64/128 friendly. ANSI, ASCII, Petscii and Skypix Graphics supported.
Including 40/80 column support.

* ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet PiNet RetroNet
2024-01-05 13:52:02 UTC
To: nospam.Gary.McCulloch
Re: Re: End of an Era
By: nospam.Gary.McCulloch to Phigan on Thu Jan 04 2024 17:03:52
Post by Gary McCulloch
C64/128 friendly. ANSI, ASCII, Petscii and Skypix Graphics supported.
Including 40/80 column support.
Ah yes. I do the same thing over on Taco Pronto.

There _are_ some new(ish?) BBSes running on actual Commodores, though!
--- Synchronet 3.16c-Win32 NewsLink 1.103
MutinyBBS - telnet : mutinybbs.com:2332 - ssh : mutinybbs.com:2232